Midway Safety
We at Marenna Amusements have made guest safety our number one priority. Our rides are inspected weekly by qualified inspectors and daily by ride operators. We also have a maintenance shop at every event to fix anything that needs to be fixed on the spot.
Simple Rules To Follow:

Star Read and follow all safety postings around the ride.
Star Make sure any seat belts or lap bars are tight and locked properly.
Star Do not jump off of a ride or unlock your car or restraints until you are instructed to.
Star If you notice ANYTHING wrong, notify the operator or management right away.
Star Never fool around. Be careful of items you can trip on or can catch clothing.
Star Metal surfaces can be slippery, especially when it is raining. Walk slowly!
Star If you have been drinking or are otherwise intoxicated, DO NOT ride any rides.
Star Adhere to height requirements posted outside of each ride.
Star Wait until the ride has come to a complete stop and the operator gives you permission to exit your vehicle.
Star Use a safety device such as a lap bar, seat belt, or harness when provided. Make sure it is tight.
Star Never stand up while a ride is in motion.
Safety Image
Safety References:

We found safety to be paramount within this operation. All the rides are inspected weekly by the CT State Police Department of Public Safety. The applicant also performs a daily pre-opening inspection on each ride and piece of equipment. Written reports are maintained. I had an opportunity to review several of these reports at random and there were some minor repairs requested. The repair person properly signed off on repair and the inspection filed. With this being a family operation it is evident that safety is their number one priority. We found no adverse information regarding this amusement operator on several safety search engine web sites nor with the CT State Police Department of Public Safety.

We found this to be Superior.

Specialty Insurance LTD
P.O. Box 16901
West Haven CT 06516